The operation entails removal of various structures; expansion of others. Example:

Naturally, all property lines end up different.

Therefore, new deeds must be prepared, to make it appear that things have always been this way. Done at the title companies. Earlier records are "no longer available."
Fresno title companies are also (knowingly) recording forged and fraudulent legal documents. They even conspire in fraudulent financing information on new deeds.
With disclosure laws kicked aside, buyers remain oblivious of the fraud and deceit.
All structures have been rebuilt; many without permits or inspections, entailing massive building / safety / health / environmental code violations.
All structures are now setting on top of clamped sewer and water lines, which the property owner is held liable to maintain.
All utility poles have been replaced / relocated / reconnected. But not by PG&E - notice all the additional poles everywhere, so many poles they are now standing in the middle of sidewalks, creating more and more ADA violations. With PG&E's records altered, there is no record for any of this either. The "People Watchers" (linked to Wilbert G. Swieso, self-proclaimed mastermind behind the entire operation) are behind this - boasting of hidden cameras inside of homes, offices and motels. They say this allows them to keep everyone closely monitored (including tapped phones, hacked computers) in order to continue the operation without leaving witnesses or complaints. Some of them talk of bypassing alarm systems (also connected to the poles) and a technique entailing "gassing through vents" which allows them to rob, rape, switch medications, even kill - laughing that no one will ever catch them or figure it out.

Biggest and most corrupt operation is taking place in the central valley. Secret water diversion.
For pictures and more information ~~~> Click: Marla