Burglary, poison, rape. Fraudulent legal documents, fraudulent insurance policy, properties torn apart / rebuilt on top of City's secretly-replaced water system. As it continued, I mortgaged my home to keep paying repairs to my family's 2 income properties, never realizing what the City of Fresno and Swieso were doing. Then run off the 2 properties (taken by fraud), further cheated in excess of $1 million. New deeds reflect new property lines and fraudulent financing information. Real estate fraud, property insurance fraud. Home left a shambles, now setting on top of corroded, clamped sewer/water lines.

Stripped of a means of survival, left unemployable, prohibited from help or restitution.
I lost my family, my belongings were switched with trash, the bank now owns my home. I remain surrounded by the same "planted" neighbors as the horrors continue ~ there is no way out of this but death, as planned from the beginning.
Behind the 50-yr secret water diversion operation ~ according to Mr. Swieso, this is the continuation of the Bonadelle / City of Fresno development fraud operation. Every structure, every block ~ every street, every sidewalk. Ours were the last properties on the block to be torn down. Located on Olive Ave., which was widened 1 block at a time to avoid attention to what was taking place ~ done during the infrastructure upgrade, when the heavy equipment remained for several days. By eliminating the property owners, no complaints or witnesses left behind.

To fully understand what is taking place in Fresno/central valley, click HERE. You can see why my reports were met with lies, name-calling, perjury, sexual harassment and death threats. This is a 50-yr operation ~ they surely have no intention of allowing someone like me to expose their operation. It was not intended I would still be alive. I am kept monitored, sabotaged, discredited as the hell and death threats continue. My death is inevitable ~ I cannot survive this much longer.
Naturally, every person I reported was protected as I was either called a "liar" or totally disregarded. Because all these people are linked to one another. Reports are not allowed. Then the City denies any of this took place because there is no report on record!
This is nothing less than a free-for-all burglary and murder operation. The criminals are the ones who are considered of value as they "clear the path" so the water scam can continue! Teaching others how easy it is to annihilate and take what others worked lifetimes for. They recruit, use, discard along the way.
Jeffry C. Winslow and Wilbert G. Swieso
- Mr. Swieso was poisoning me via so-called "herbs" and "special powder" in my food and beverages. Sometimes he demanded I open my mouth and move my tongue from side to side so he could make sure I swallowed the "special pills." In the condition I was being kept, I did as instructed.
- Mr. Winslow told me his dream was about to come true ~ owning my family's properties where he would open a restaurant. Said he would also be taking the Laundromat across the alley, as I would be meeting his wife (who he claims "he got rid of") and her family in another world! He implied the same would happen to my family as done to his former wife's family as he explained, "After you get rid of the first one, the rest are easy." Not only do public records verify my siblings stepped into the "rotation system," click on this link if you have any doubts of the process he is referring to. Same technique as Mr. Swieso. Same attorney/s. Same motive. Click: Winslow's Rags-to-Riches
- He + Mr. Swieso + 2 others mentioned a baby-selling ring. Child sex/dismemberment of the older ones. Mr. Winslow also implied on several occasions that his own grandson was stolen at birth, which would explain the different nationality!
- He said he was responsible for having my handicapped uncle's (Down's syndrome + totally bedridden) gold-filled teeth removed prior to his death. He said it was time for my uncle to die since he looked so terrible. I never introduced him to my uncle.
- Mr. Winslow told me 1 yr in advance that my next-door-neighbor would have his foot amputated and die. He had a list of others who underwent the same tragedy as he said this was, "normal." My neighbor also contracted hepatitis. Due to the poisoning, I was too far gone to figure it out. Diabetes + raw sewage = death sentence. Click: Diabetic foot amputations/staph
- I endured ongoing illness, respiratory and cellulitis of both feet, which he also said was "normal." I was kept so incapacitated I did not see what was taking place right under my own nose.
- Mr. Winslow is running a nearby resort in the mountains where he refers to himself as a "predator." Boasting of being a professional photographer using hidden cameras on his guests. Each time I was there, several of his guest's homes were robbed; some homes even caught fire. Employees returned with belongings they said were "given" to them.
- On one occasion, Mr. Winslow alerted me to a fire 1/2-mi. from his home ~ said to hurry and get into his truck so we could check it out. The fire did not occur until over 2 hours LATER!
Can you imagine that reporting this resort owner as a "Danger to the public" being completely disregarded. In fact his resort is posted on the County of Fresno's web site, where visitors are encouraged!
As for the Laundromat mentioned above, same risk analyst set up the owner, who was never seen again. Laundromat was torn up/rebuilt on top of secretly-replaced water system - more altered records to cover up. New owner lives next door to Winslow, whose deeds to his own home were verified as FORGED. I saw Swieso forge the wife's name on an insurance application saying, "You can't live for the dead." More info re: Laundromat owner
More deaths across the street as this took place ~ so many facts hidden. More estates taken over by this mob.
I remain isolated, surrounded, living in terror ~ it is not over until their victim has been eliminated. I am pinned into a corner with no way out. Pleas for help are not allowed. I feel like Jeffry Dahmer's victim who narrowly escaped only to be called a "liar" and thrown back into the pit of hell. Only in this case, those who are throwing me back KNOW THE TRUTH. Click: Why do so many people have to die?
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