Saturday, June 21, 2008

Blocks made smaller to carry out felony operation - Fresno

In order to carry out the secret altering of the city's water system throughout town, streets are widened; blocks are made smaller. Such as Olive Ave. - west end of the Tower Dist. There are no records, permits or inspections for the street widening that went on - not even for the major damages and reconstruction to street-lined properties. No record for the altered property lines - instead, parcel maps altered to make it appear that things were always this way.

Take a look at the other end of this block, where more unauthorized alterations took place in preparation for cutting this street back i.e., relocated street lights, utility poles, AT&T's junction box. Once again, no record for any of it - only more lies and altered records to cover up the evidence. Newcomers remain oblivious.

Front lawns are cut back; alleys narrowed and/or closed off to compensate. As done on my block, the garage next to the alley went from a single to a double and extended into the alley, which narrowed the alley. Utility poles were moved from easements into the alley where the garbage bins once stood, making it appear that things were always this way.

With all 4 sides of blocks throughout town being cut back, various structures are removed as others are systematically altered and shifted in a "ripple effect." All done without permits or inspections; massive health, environmental, safety and building code violations. Storm drains, fire hydrants, street lights all relocated, yet no record for any of it. No record for major reconstruction to structures - only more cover-up (directories, aerial views, plat/parcel maps.) This is why there are no older records of Fresno, CA.

Regarding the above photo - past and present neighbors have verified the relocation of utility poles down the entire alley; others know it would have been impossible for the ones along the street to have been there - until 15 yrs ago, there was no curb or mow strip on the other street shown in this picture. This is NOT how things were set up. Yet according to city records, the poles have been standing there for decades. Simply altering records is all it takes - no one questions anything.

This is a massive fraud operation, entailing heinous and barbaric crimes to innocent people in order to vacate property. "Planted" neighbors and tenants eliminate any witnesses to wrongdoing.

From one end of town to the other. Repeat - The entire city has been turned inside out behind our backs, yet right under our noses. To date, altering plat/parcel maps has been enough to fool the public - even the so-called "experts. With disclosure laws kicked aside, these damaged and shoddily-rebuilt structures now setting on top of clamped sewer and water lines, continue being sold as "original" to unsuspecting buyers.

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